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What Are The Visa Types In Saudi Arabia?

It’s not easy for those looking to travel to Saudi Arabia due to all the recent changes to visas. This post will go over everything regarding the visa needed to enter Saudi Arabia , and how to get it approved through a port-of-entry.

Saudi Arabia Visa Types

1. Visas for commercial and business purposes

The commercial/business visa is by far the most frequent and the simplest form of visitor visa for Saudi Arabia. This visa allows individuals visiting Saudi Arabia for their business or organization, as long as they have been invited by someone who is already doing business in the country’s markets. The process of applying for visas can be done entirely online , at any point prior to your departure date as long as you meet certain requirements like having enough funds in the account of one specific firm which will be able to provide you with funds upon your arrival you are on the territory of the kingdom.

Clients who wish to bring loved ones to an event need to first sign in at the entrance. Then, they need to sit patiently while the office is busy. It can take between one and three months depending on the length of time it takes. The schedules have been approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offices located in town. Invitations will be made available with no delay or surprises. You will be excited that someone special will be joining you soon.

2. Visiting Work Visit

Be aware that one of the key aspects of a business visa is to only be paid by your US employer. You do not receive any direct compensation from Saudi hosts. If this sounds like something you’ve done wrong ensure that their request for a visitor’s work permit has been submitted before coming over there but remember: the application is still going through the channels similar to other applications do so expect some changes when dealing with Embassy staff.

3. Government Visa

The third most common and simplest visa to apply for is a government-sponsored one. You can get this kind of permit by interacting with representatives of Saudi Arabian government agencies or their representatives at the embassy. But, you’ll require less documentation for this type of sponsorship. It typically takes approximately 1-2 business days for approval of the application. It’s cost-free.

4. Family Visit Visa

It is difficult to get an extended family visa as it requires documentation to establish your relationship with the client. Birth certificates are required or marriage licenses if you are visiting grandparents , but more important than these small things, there needs to be a solid bond between two individuals that are parent and child. spouse is a crucial factor when applying for this type of travel document.

5. Visa for Residence

The residence visa is intended for those looking to relocate or move to KSA. This type of immigration paper is issued by the Ministry of Interior and it’s tied directly to the Iqama card, meaning you’ll need an employment-based permit in addition. The government will send you an invitation in yellow. Butdon’t be waiting too long to hear what they will tell you. There are some crucial details that you shouldn’t forget about.

6. Work Visa

A work visa for Saudi Arabia is not an easy process. The most difficult visa needs the hiring of your employer and get benefits. This can only be done when the company allows direct hiring. People have to go through several recruiting companies before being offered a job at a company.

For more information, click saudi Arabia visa


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